Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dear Professors

Feeling kind of weird that we have to be chased out of the lab by 6.30pm. In school of dentistry, U get penalised for being hardworking. But honestly, I swear to god I prefer to be anywhere else except the lab. But damnit I have to be there to do those labwork so that i can be ready for clinics etc etc which will eventually help me graduate.

I really dun understand their rationale. Why makes life more difficult for us. We are just students trying to graduate on time with all sorts of obstacles and obstructions already. Why take away our precious lab time?

Dear professors I just wanna know why? Why not help us, instead why do u all have this preconcieved idea that students are people who breaks and bends rules? I can easily accept whatever punishment u imposed on me out of pure fear of getting marked. Please let me respect u all. Tell me why? What's ur reason behind your actions?

Even you all tell us that you guys have to bring labwork back home to do during your time as a student. Since now u have the ability to make a difference, why make us go through what bad memories u had.

Throughout my years as a student. All my teachers work with me, help and guide me. But now i feel oppressed, suppressed and above all fear of you.

Somehow I feel that you guys think that we are having an easier time compared to what you went through when you were a student. But trust me, its still not easy. Believe me, you. Practice as a dental student for 1 month. Book chair for instructors, find patients on your own, and ensure that the timing matches, book your instruments ahead, read up before clinics, write down a damn freaking long list of this that you will do prior your session to the finest details of putting vaseline on patient lips, use a 0.8 chamfer bur for wat margins, wait for instructors to check your work, prepare your own lab works (and use the lab only from 530-630pm), find instructors to sign notes, double entry with exact, lotsa and lotsa forms to fill up, fufil specific requirements to book for competencies, total patient management, etc, etc.

Trust me you wun say its easy. Its just like me saying that 'A' Levels or even 'O' Levels is easy. Coz if I were to go and take the exams now. I gonna do so freaking bad that you wun believed I was a straight As student.

As a matter of fact, in order to earn my respect. Practice what you preach. Show me that it is possible by bringing yourself down to my level. Be a dental student for 1 month. In fact its easier for you as you have so many more years of experience than us. At the end of the day, you will have my respect. BUT DO YOU EVEN CARE?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seeing The Light

Got through the 1st week of school pretty well. Ended well with the steamboat dinner with the guys on Friday Nite. As usual, guys talk is always FON yet light-hearted. We are all glad that things are finally closing to an end. 2 more terms we will be able to get out of this shit hole. But before that we just have to keep going.

Enough about school. I am actually already thinking of where we should go after graduation already. Eastern Europe, Egypt, China, New Zealand?? So many places. Yet we still can't decide where to go.

To me its really not the place, rather the company that matters. So I guess I'll just let ppl decide and I'll just follow. This term is so gonna be a magical term for everyone I wish.